Great value carpets of every style for every room, every home!

Carpets are still many people’s favourite! There are loads to choose from - luxurious lounge carpets, deep, soft bedroom carpets and good looking, hardwearing carpets for hallways, stairs and landings. In fact, choosing the right carpet can make a big difference in your home. That’s why at Dial A Carpet we have a massive range for you to choose from all at amazing value prices.

Dial A Carpet now on 01908 849868 and we’ll come to your home with our big carpet sample books. You can try them out on the floor you’re covering and take as long as you like to choose. We’ll even give you free advice on choosing the right carpet for the right area, so we aren’t supplying you with flooring that’s not suitable for you.


When you’ve picked, we’ll measure up and give you a free estimate. After fitting, we’ll also do any repairs, maintenance and aftercare you need.

As well as an unbeatable choice of great value carpets, we have a superb range of accessories including quality underlays, finishing strips and trims to finish off a new room you’ll be proud of.

Dial A Carpet did a fantastic job. All the carpets were great quality. Great service. Highly recommend this company!
— Viv Mahony

Types of carpet you can buy from Dial A Carpet

Twist – has a twist yarn to give it a rougher surface which is hardwearing and less likely to shown marks and scuffs. Good for heavy traffic areas.

Loop – a very durable carpet available in natural or berber flecked colours.

Shag pile – a luxurious deep pile with a soft, comfortable feel.

Velvet – a smooth, close cut, short pile which is used mainly in tufted and Wilton carpets.

Saxony – a dense carpet with a soft feel.

Wilton – something special in carpets with each one taking up to 200 hours to manufacture. Will give good service for years to come.